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"Ten Three Five"energy planning will solve what problem?
  发布时间:2016-10-11   来源:Westking New Energy Technology Co., LTD  

As an indicator of energy reform in the next five years, "Ten Three Five" energy planning is the most concerned topic, the current energy industry as a result, when the development of national energy bureau deputy director general of department of He Yongjian explanation "Ten Three Five" energy planning, most of the crowd were taken out his phone and PPT.
He Yongjian revealed that "Ten Three Five" energy planning formulation draws near, the goal is to build a "clean low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system". The plan for energy important difficult problems in our country, with a series of operable prescriptions.

1. The traditional energy serious overcapacity
China's energy industry to face the first big question is: coal, coal, crude oil, three traditional energy serious overcapacity. He Yongjian gave a bunch of data:
He Yongjian: "over the years has been to alleviate the coal supply and demand contradiction, paid off this year, but the future is a long way to go. The second is the potential risk of coal industry, coal power generation using hours last year reached the lowest level in more than 30 years, the national average of 4300 hours, many provinces for coal use even less than 3000 hours, is expected this year will be lower than the national average coal unit using hours 4000 hours, this is a very unreasonable state; the third sector is the crude oil processing, production capacity of 800 million tons, but only 500 million tons, production equipment utilization ratio is less than 70%."

2. The limits of traditional energy on new projects
"Ten Three Five" gives energy planning prescription: limit new projects on the traditional energy.
He Yongjian: "the traditional industry of overcapacity, 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in in principle not pre-arranged new projects, including: coal, coal, coal chemical industry, oil refining, there are strict access system arrangement. Coal will be strictly implement three years not only on the requirements of the new project, it is necessary to implement, is also in line with the principle of reducing the displacement on the core is to let the market supply and demand gradually to equilibrium."

3. Abandon wind, discard, abandoned water intensified
The second problem is: the development of renewable energy is multiple checks, abandon the wind, discard, abandoned water intensified.
He Yongjian: "Ten Three Five", this problem has been exposed very full, in the first half of this year since the problem has a tendency to increase, such as: abandon the wind rate of 47% for the first half of this year, gansu province, xinjiang and gansu discard rate is above 30%."
The main reason is: the pumped storage power system and gas power generation units account for only about 5% of the total installed, load capacity is insufficient; Scenery electrical layout is unreasonable, the eastern power load center installed, installed in the northwest scenery resources better, but the local load capacity is very limited, can't digest. In order to send, need to form a complete set of thermal power to peak shaving, therefore, the efficiency of wind power, photovoltaic.

4. Wind power, photovoltaic (pv) on the new project must implement the market ahead of time
He Yongjian said: planning strategy is given: control the rhythm of new energy development, the new wind power, photovoltaic big base project, must implement the market ahead of time.
He Yongjian: "the development of new energy, also want to control the rhythm, wind power and photovoltaic project, especially large base project, to implement market space in advance, if there is no market demand, the project will be delayed to horse. 'much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning also mentioned to' comprehensive use in the whole society can lower cost as a important goals and measure of the energy development, economy of more prominent use of energy, create advantage of cheap energy. Not to clean and low carbon, and cost to develop cleaner but higher energy costs. In the future will gradually reduce the price of wind power and photovoltaic and subsidy standards. The preliminary idea is, 2020 wind can try parity on the Internet, with a feed-in tariff is the same as the thermal power, photovoltaic parity sales."

5.Natural gas can't afford to "use", the price formation mechanism reform
The third problem is that the natural gas price is not reasonable, lead to the user can't afford to "use", "Ten Three Five" during each year about 80 billion "excess" of natural gas. To this, He Yongjian said, will reform the pricing mechanism of natural gas.
He Yongjian: "we are short of natural gas, but the question now is whether we can't afford to use. The main countermeasures are: on the one hand, push the price reform, at the ends of the price in the future, the gas price is ex-factory price and terminal sales, is likely to gradually let go of, is formed by the market; on the other hand, in the middle of gas transmission and distribution price, is likely to decrease gradually, especially the regional distribution price now is higher, pushing up the terminal price, this aspect may need to do more action.